Assessments for Professional Success
Research has shown that having greater self-awareness leads to better decision making(Ridley, Schutz, Glanz, & Weinstein, 1992). Improved self-awareness can also enhance our self-confidence, job-related well-being, improve our communications (Sutton, Williams, & Allinson, 2015). One way to help develop self-awareness are assessments, below are two examples of assessments that can be added to coaching and facilitation services.
DiSC Profile
This assessment measures and provides insight into four primary behavioral tendencies and emotions, and explores how these come together in a personal blend of style to create our DISC style:
D - Dominance: Fast-paced and Task-oriented, Focuses on Problems & Challenges, Assertive
I - Influence: Fast-paced and People-oriented, Focuses on People & Contacts, Persuasive
S - Steadiness: Slow-paced and People-oriented, Focuses on Pace & Consistency, Supportive
C- Conscientious: Slow-paced and Task-oriented, Focuses on Procedures & Constraints, Analytical
Emotional Intelligence
This assessment measures and provides insight into four areas of EIQ and the five sub-categories that contribute to each area:
Self-Recognition (SeR): Self-Awareness/Understanding; Cause & Effect; Self-Appreciation, Consciousness/Assertiveness; Emotional Identification
Social Recognition (SoR): Empathy, Sensitivity, Appreciation; Service, Compassion, Benevolence; Holistic Communication; Situational Perceptual Awareness; Interpersonal Development
Self-Management (SeM): Self-Control, Discipline; Goal-Directed Performance, Action; Integrity, Trustworthiness; Motivation, Positive Psychology; Creativity, Agility, Flexibility
Social Management (SoM): Developing Relationships; Leadership & Influence; Change Catalyst & Response; Negotiation & Conflict Management; Teamwork & Collaboration